Prompts are essential when it comes to custom assistants. You can create a tailored voice for your brand or shape the LLM’s response by using them.

Leicht uses ramptix/preprompted-data as the prompt index to download prompts on-demand — you can find prompts across various topics there.

Use A Prompt

  1. Check out the Wiki of preprompted-data and copy the name of your desired prompt. We’ll use the name basic for the sake of simplicity.
  2. From leicht.prompts, we’ll import the get_prompt() function to fetch a prompt and cache it.
from leicht.prompts import get_prompt

# Get the prompt

# If you wish to disable caching, add the
# no_cache option
get_prompt("basic", no_cache=True)

…and that’s it! 2 steps and we’re good to go.

Prompts With Variables

Some prompts, for instance, awesome/character which requires two variables, support inserting texts.

awesome/character requires:

  • {character} – The character name.
  • {series} – The series featuring the character.

We can insert them into the prompt using Leicht:

  character="Walter White",
  series="Breaking Bad"

Community Prompts

Community Prompts from Discussions can be accessed with community/<discussion id>.

For example, if we want to use RapperGPT – #2 by the community:

# First fetch will take a moment

Usage With Assistant

The leicht.prompts module works seamlessly with the Assistant API. Provide a valid prompt specification and Leicht will fetch the prompt directly.

from leicht import Assistant

# Initialize an assistant
assistant = Assistant(

# Watch it suffer"skibidi toilet")